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We will help you get an answer to this question quickly and easily.
Fill in the following form and find out your creditworthiness.

Why choose
REINS Finance

Save yourself hundreds of EUROS
on fees

We are specialists in refinancing 100%
cost of acquisition

Possibility to finance

Personal approach and
dedicated advisor

Calculate your monthly payment
with our hypo-calculator

Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

We will out how much money you can get.

When buying real estate, each bank requires a calculation of the the client´s creditworthiness to whom the mortgage loan is to be provided.

REINS Finance offers you a free credit rating calculation. You will quickly find out what real estate you will be able to afford and this will make it easier for you to find new housing.

Fill out our form and we will tell you how creditworthy you are

I want to find out my creditworthiness

Let us reduce your monthly charges

Do you want better mortgage terms? We helped hundreds of clients pay less.

  • Interest rate reduction

  • Deferment of installments

  • Maturity extension

I want to refinance conveniently

We will insure your life and property

Don´t let an unexpected situation surprise you. With insurance, you will have security in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.

  • Life insurance

  • General insurance

  • Custom insurance

I want a convenient insurance

Save on fees for which you would pay hundreds of euros elsewhere.

With REINS Finance, you avoid legal and administrative fees associated with the provision of loan, such as fees for depositing cadastral contracts or an expert opinion fee.

With REINS Finance, you avoid legal and administrative fees associated with the provision of loan, such as fees for depositing cadastral contracts or an expert opinion fee.

You need to know more about financing with REINS Finance?

Contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Benjamín Šipoš

Financial Advisor

Bc. Michal Fuska

Financial Advisor

Overview of current
bank interest rates

  • Loan amount
  • Period


  • od 0,85 %

  • od 0,89 %

  • od 0,85 %

  • od 0,5 %

  • od 0,4 %

  • od 0,89 %

  • od 0,39 %

  • od 0,89 %

  • od 0,69 %


  • 314,80 €

  • 316,61 €

  • 314,80 €

  • 299,19 €

  • 294,82 €

  • 316,61 €

  • 294,39 €

  • 316,61 €

  • 307,60 €

Reimbursed amount

  • 13.327 €

  • 13.980 €

  • 13.327 €

  • 7.708 €

  • 6.137 €

  • 13.980 €

  • 5.980 €

  • 13.980 €

  • 10.735 €

Need more information?Read on.

Who we are and why we do it


Loan with a partner. Conditions, process and what if a breakup occurs?


How to sell a property with a loan?


Real estates for sale


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